Visiting the old city of Jerusalem is a unique and special experience, but why not take it up a notch by participating in archaeology tours in this major city of Israel? The Temple Mount Sifting Project allows adventurous history enthusiasts to become real-life archeologists for the day as they uncover important artifacts beneath the sacred Temple Mount.

The Temple Mount Sifting Project began in 2004 when the illegal demolition of historic remains occurred on the Holy historical sites. During this era, the most impressive archaeological sites were destroyed. Archaeologists from the City of David Institute (CODI) were able to salvage hundreds of truckloads full of soil specimens dating back thousands of years, which were then transferred to nearby Emek Tzurim National Park for further study. Since then, volunteers have been able to help by sifting through these soil specimens and identifying artifacts that may have a significant connection to events throughout Jerusalem’s long, rich history.

This is more than just an ordinary archaeological tour or educational experience; it’s a hands-on, interactive exploration of past civilizations and their cultures. Every participant will get their sifters and special tools, such as pick axes and brushes used by archaeologists to uncover items buried within the soil.

As you search through piles of dirt looking for clues about Jerusalem’s past, you may stumble upon ancient coins lost by traders hundreds of years ago or fragments from pottery vessels used by people centuries ago. If you’re looking for a unique way to spend time while visiting Jerusalem, consider joining The Temple Mount Sifting Project – an archaeological experience unlike any other!

Temple Mount Sifting Project;

How The Activity Goes?

Visitors can join an archaeological excavation at the Mount, which involves sifting soil from limited areas that are open to the public. It’s quite a process: the soil is painstakingly picked through and whatever artifacts are unearthed have to be carefully cataloged and labeled for potential later study; it could take hours, depending on how much larger material needs to be separated from the dirt.

However, such a rewarding experience allows guests to witness the secrets behind Jerusalem’s culture and story over thousands of years with their hands. Several virtual reality options are available for those looking for an even more thrilling experience.

Through VR technology, guests become mini-archaeologists as they explore the Temple Mount from inside a computer! With the help of the virtual reality headset and controllers, visitors can be fully immersed in an archaeological excavation and uncover artifacts from ancient Jerusalem.

With technology becoming increasingly advanced, many archaeologists are using new tech-based methods, including aerial drones, to map out deeper contained finds – yet there’s no substitute for uncovering true ancient treasures with actual hands in the dirt. Thanks to this remarkable adventure, anyone can BE AN ARCHEOLOGIST FOR A DAY.

Ancient Chisel Unearthed At The Western Wall

The discovery of a 2,000-year-old chisel at the base of the renowned Western Wall in Jerusalem is perhaps more remarkable than the wall itself. Unearthed by Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) archaeologist Eli Shukron, this chisel dates back to King Herod’s era and is currently being studied as part of the Temple Mount Sifting Project.

The Temple Mount Sifting Project has been dealing with artifacts from debris taken from two illegal constructions built by the Muslim Waqf during the Temple Mount renovations. The project is overseen by the IAA, which uses sophisticated sifting methods to uncover the many historical artifacts.

This exciting find of a chisel helps shed light on ancient Jerusalem’s life and culture while providing more clues as to what it was like during King Herod’s rule. Through such finds, we can better understand the past and learn more about Jewish heritage in Jerusalem.

This 2,000-year-old gem, among other finds, has unearthed captivating historical information that archaeologists have been able to use to get a deeper insight into Jerusalem’s past. The current discoveries bring hope that more priceless pieces of history remain at Temple Mount or somewhere nearby – waiting to be uncovered one day.

Stones Of Herod’s Temple Reveal Temple Mount History

Over two thousand years since King Herod’s Temple was destroyed, ashlars of the magnificent structure have recently been uncovered in the Jerusalem area. This has been made possible through the incredible work of The Temple Mount Sifting Project, which has now revealed part of King Herod’s legacy.

The ashlars, weighing up to 160 000 pounds each, are a testament to the dedicated craftsmanship and extraordinary workmanship at play during the building of this temple. The ashlars also tell us how it was built: vertical channels were cut into limestone blocks, and then intense hydraulic pressure was applied to finally cut off the block from its bedrock. Additionally, the ashlars provide evidence of the Temple’s location.

The presence of an enlarged inner court and an “Upper Platform” show that the site was much larger than previously thought. All this newfound information is helping to deepen our understanding of Jerusalem’s history and culture.

Leen Ritmeyer and his team of specialist archaeologists contribute new knowledge about the construction and engineering processes that created this grand ancient landmark. This history will help us understand one of Christianity’s most fundamental places – that continues to hold immense significance for Christians today.-

What Did Herod’s Temple Look Like?

The ancient mysteries of ancient cities are no easier to crack than they were in the time of ancient cultures. Only through careful archaeological research can we begin to build a picture of the ancient city of Jerusalem and its lost temples. The second temple period is known to have lasted approximately 600 years.

This is where the Temple Mount Sifting Project in Jerusalem, established in 2004 shortly after the restoration and relocation of Michael Avi-Yonah’s marvelous model of what Herod’s Temple might have looked like at its peak, comes in.

By sifting through copious amounts of dirt filled with ancient artifacts and structures, researchers have rediscovered long-since buried evidence relating to numerous periods in ancient Jerusalem’s history, particularly Herod’s Temple.

The team’s most impressive discoveries include a chalice decorated by the ancient craftsman’s tools and several artifacts inscribed with Hebrew text. The Sifting Project has also revealed evidence of Herod’s Temple Mount wall, which existed before its destruction in 70 AD at the hands of the Romans.

The Sifting Project is a triumph of archaeological exploration, shining a light on the complex history of Jerusalem and its temple. Every day more evidence is uncovered that gives us clues as to what ancient Jerusalem was like in the time of King Herod. There’s no doubt that with further exploration, many more secrets of the past will be revealed.


It’s not every day you can say you’ve been an archeologist for a day – and in Jerusalem, no less. The Temple Mount Sifting Project offers visitors a unique opportunity to do just that while contributing to an important effort to preserve history. You can also have the best archaeology tours by visiting Tel Aviv, a city still in Israel, and enjoy places and museums like the beit guvrin national park and Caesarea national park. Not forgetting, you can have a guided walking tour to the hilltop of the Jewish quarter, known for landmarks like the western wall.

With the help of sifters like you, the project has uncovered countless artifacts dating back thousands of years, like the dead sea scrolls, known as the ancient Jewish religious manuscript, which sheds new light on the city’s rich past. So next time you find yourself in Jerusalem, add this one-of-a-kind experience to your itinerary –you might make history yourself.