If the walls of the Old City could talk, what tales would they tell? The mysterious cobblestone streets of Jerusalem’s ancient lanes have stories of battles, romance, and faith for generations. While iconic locations like the Western Wall, Temple Mount, and Jewish Quarter remain popular focal points for tourists, dozens of lesser-known attractions make up some of the richest history in Israel– many with an undeniable connection to Judaism.

From a two-thousand-year-old church to secret tunnels that lead to literal and figurative darkness, the world within Jerusalem’s ramparts is brimming with adventure waiting around every corner! Ready to uncover  the top10 must-see destinations or a Talmudic take on tourism? Read on for our guide to exploring Jewish sites in the most magical place in all God’s creations: The Old City!

Jerusalem Western Wall

As the most important Jewish landmark in the Old City of Jerusalem, the Western Wall is one of Judaism’s oldest and most revered sites. It stands as a lasting reminder of the Second Temple, an extension of the site built by King Herod during the era of Roman rule in Jerusalem.

Known by many names, including Kotel HaMa’aravi, or “the Wailing Wall,” this ancient stone structure has been a sacred place for Jewish people for centuries. Every day thousands visit to pray and meditate at this holiest of sites. As a symbol of faith and hope for Jews worldwide, it is no wonder that it’s become one of the most popular destinations in Israel to perform a traditional bar mitzvah ceremony.

The Western Wall plaza is divided into men’s and women’s sections. The men’s section is separated from the women’s section by a wall known as Mechitza, which is normally covered with fabric curtains but can sometimes be seen through glass windows or gates.

According to Orthodox Judaism, all worshippers are expected to dress modestly when visiting this holy site, and men often wear prayer shawls as a sign of respect.

Temple Mount

The majestic Temple Mount in the Old City provides visitors with an array of interesting and beautiful attractions. It is home to some of the holiest sites in Judaism, including two temples in its two thousand-plus-year histories. The first Temple was built by King Solomon in 950 BCE and was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BCE. The Temple, reconstructed in 516 BCE, endured until the Romans demolished it in 70 CE.

The spiritual significance of the Temple Mount is unrivaled. From contributing to the success of Jewish monotheism to being the site upon which King Solomon built his second Temple period in 957 BCE, it has played a central role in some of the most important moments in Jewish history.

It currently houses several important structures like the Muslim Dome of the Rock, which dates back to 691 CE, and Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Temple Mount, old but still standing proud, is a powerful symbol for those who believe and continues to be an inspiring location.

Jewish Quarter

The Jewish Quarter is one of the most interesting aspects of the Old City in Jerusalem. It has been an important part of the UNESCO world heritage site for thousands of years and is a significant part of Jerusalem’s contemporary religious and cultural life.

This Quarter includes many important synagogues, including the Hurvah Synagogue. The Hurvah Synagogue originally built on the ruins of a 16th century synagogue, was destroyed by the Ottomans in 1721.  Rebuilt in 1864, however, in the 1948 Israeli War of Independence, the Jordanian Arab Legion destroyed it. The Jordanians closed the Old City to Jews and forced the Jewish residents to leave. After Israel defeated the Jordanians in the 1967 war, Jerusalem was reunited and plans to once again rebuild the Hurvah Synagogue began. Finally, in 2010, the reconstructed synagogue was dedicated.

Its walls are lined with stone tiles representing each of the 72 letters in the Torah, as well as walls that feature intricate Hebrew calligraphy and ancient writings believed to have been written by Rabbi Judah Ha-Nasi.

The Quarter also holds landmarks such as Jewish gardens, stairways, schools, residences, and more. Each site contains history, culture, and deep significance to Jews worldwide.

Four Sephardic Synagogues

The synagogues are all located close to each other near the western Wall of Jerusalem’s old city walls. Each synagogue has its unique history as well as distinct architectural style.
– Yochanan Ben Zakai Synagogue, 17th century
– Eliahu Ha’navi Synagogue, 16th century
– Istanbuli Synagogue, 18th century
– Emtsai Synagogue (Middle Synagogue” or Kahal Tzion Synagogue), 18th century

These four synagogues were sadly closed down during Jordan’s occupation of East Jerusalem, which began in 1948 when Israel declared independence. However, after Israel regained control of East Jerusalem following the Six-Day War in 1967, these four synagogues were restored to their former glory. They again resumed their role as communal hubs for Sephardic Jews living in or visiting Jerusalem’s Old City.

Today they are not only places where people can come to pray but also event venues such as weddings, bar/bat mitzvahs, or other special celebrations where Jews can meet up to celebrate their traditions together in peace and harmony regardless of their background or affiliation. The four synagogues are held dear by many Jews worldwide, who view them as reminders that Judaism is a religion that unites us no matter our differences and divisions.

Burnt House

The Burnt House, located in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City, is a poignant reminder of the destruction endured by Jerusalem and its people during the Roman siege of 70 AD.

The Burnt House was destroyed in a fire many years ago, but some evidence of the past remains. Charred beams and mosaic floors are among the few physical reminders of what used to be. The ritual baths offer another glimpse into the past, as they were used for religious ceremonies long ago.

Though The Burnt House may be a sad sight today, it has played an integral role in Jewish history and served as a sacred site where much archaeological evidence of ancient life was found.

This atmospheric ruin evokes compassion and admiration for those who lived through this tumultuous time.

Tower Of David Museum

The Tower of King David, located in the Old City of Jerusalem, is one of the most important Jewish sites in the world. This imposing structure has been a part of the landscape for centuries and is steeped in history. From its inception during the Roman era to its current incarnation as a museum, it holds an important place in Jewish culture. The museum completed extensive renovations in 2023.

King Herod first built the Tower of David during his reign over Judea. When Jerusalem fell to the Romans, they expanded and strengthened it to ensure their control over the city. In 1099, when the Crusaders took control of Jerusalem, they made further improvements to the tower, including adding battlements and turrets.

The Mamluks then reclaimed Jerusalem and fortified it, making it a formidable military stronghold. During this time, known as The Citadel, the site served as a royal residence and housed many important artifacts, including weapons and coins. Over time it became a symbol of both religious significance and political power.

Ramparts Walk

The Ramparts Walk one of the most captivating routes for exploring Old City Jerusalem. The walk covers almost the entire circumference of the city wall, taking visitors through some of its most significant and storied locations in Jewish history.

Along this 2.4-kilometer route, travelers will see archeological sites, fortifications, and views that so palpably evoke bygone eras as to make one question whether they’re looking toward a past or present age.

Passersby will visit the four Christian and Muslim quarters of the Old City—Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and Armenian—and experience firsthand why it has remained such an important pilgrimage site throughout millennia. From traditional markets rich with culture and history to the various houses of worship that have occupied these sites for centuries, discovering the Wall along this beautiful trail is a discovery, unlike many others.

City Of David

The City of David is one of Jerusalem’s most important and popular sites, attracting nearly a million visitors yearly. Located in Jerusalem Old City, this archaeological site provides an incredible glimpse into the past, offering a firsthand experience to explore ancient Jewish history.

Today, the City of David stands at the foot of the Western Wall, next to the first temple period built during the reign of King David. This holy site has been occupied since 3000 BCE and was originally known as “Shiloah” or “Siloam.” During King David’s reign, it became known as “Ir David” or “City of David” and eventually grew into one of three cities that made up ancient Jerusalem. It is here that Jewish history began, marking both the spiritual and political center of Judaism for centuries.

Visitors can take a journey back in time with a tour of this historical site. One popular attraction is Hezekiah’s Tunnel, which dates back to 800 BCE when King Hezekiah reigned over Judea – it is said that Hezekiah built this tunnel to provide water during his siege against Assyrian forces threatening Jerusalem.

Additionally, you can enter underground cisterns used for storing rainwater and discover some remains from Solomon’s palace, thought to date back to 950 BCE. These physical structures are incredibly impressive given their age and remind us of their immense significance within Jewish tradition and history.

Davidson Southern Walls

The Davidson Southern Walls are a significant part of Jewish history in the Old City. Built-in, in the 1860s, under the direction of British engineer Charles Warren, Jewish pilgrims traditionally used this route to approach and enter the Jewish Temple Mount.

Standing at an impressive height of 23 feet and running nearly 250 meters along the Southside of The Temple Mount, these walls were once referred to as “the most beautiful wall in Jerusalem” due to their intricate 19th-century masonry.

Even today, visitors to this great site can make their way up steep stairways and walk along ancient pathways leading back down from the top. A magical experience awaits anyone who visits this incredible piece of Jewish history nestled within the busy streets of Israel’s capital city!

Wohl Archaeological Museum

The Wohl Archaeological Museum is one of the fascinating Jewish locations in the Old City. Located on the first floor of the Jewish Quarter, this museum contains artifacts from Jerusalem’s two-thousand-year-old histories.

Visitors can explore exhibits showcasing extraordinary items such as coins, earthenware, and ritual vessels. It also contains stone tablets, seals of ancient Jerusalem officials, and a variety of other artifacts.

The museum houses both a permanent collection and rotating exhibitions that change seasonally. Tucked away in the corner of Jerusalem’s Old City, the Wohl Archaeological Museum provides a window into the fascinating Jewish history of ancient Jerusalem.


Jerusalem is a city full of culture and history. If you want to explore the Jewish side of Jerusalem, here are the top locations you can’t miss out on.

From the well-known Wailing Wall to the lesser-known but still beautiful Tower of David Museum, there is something for everyone in the Old City. So what are you waiting for? Start exploring today!